WP D - Detector Modeling

Each sub-detector has a specific simulation for its response, matching its technology and electronic readout choice. While these specific simulations are provided by each sub-detector Project their integration as a whole and guaranteeing a coherent output is provided is the responsibility of the Simulation.


The mandate of WP D is:

  • Coordination and management of the sub-detector geometry descriptions, keeping close contact with each sub-detector project, ensuring the continued support through commissioning and data taking of the LHCb detector

  • Coordination of the digitization of the simulation of LHCb collisions

  • Management of and coordination of sub-detector geometry and conditions for simulation

  • Support for future detector studies, in close collaboration any future with task forces

  • Support for Run 1 & 2 simulation as needed

This WP manages the integration and release of the Boole application. It also coordinate with WP S the triggering of DDDB and SIMCOND releases.