WP R - Machine Induced Background & Radiation

The monitoring of radiation levels of the LHCb environment are crucial for the protection of personnel who will undertake work in the experimental cavern. These simulations are often done using FLUKA, and other dedicated software tools. Additionally, such simulations include important aspects contributing to the evaluation of the background of debris from the accelerator itself.


The mandate of WP R is to:

  • Provide estimations of radiation levels for electronics and detectors

  • Provide radiation level estimates for installation/dismantling purposes

  • Support FLUKA based simulations of the LHCb detector cavern

  • Provide guidelines for the use of the CERN HSE-RP ActiWiz tool

  • Maintain close contacts with LHC Machine Induced Background Study Group

  • Support studies of Machine Induced Background within the LHCb simulation framework

  • Development and maintenance of the database with radiation simulation results and associated web application

  • Enable the use of tools for estimating radiation on LHCb computing resources through centrally available software

FLUKA simulations on computer farm - launching instruction

FLUKA simulations on computer farm - code documentation