WP F - Framework & New Technologies

The underlying framework of Gauss and Gauss-on-Gaussino underpins the whole of the LHCb simulation. These frameworks also enable the use of all generators, new technologies, fast simulations, and access directly the conditions needed for Geant4. Therefore, the maintenance of the Gauss and future Gauss-on-Gaussino frameworks is a critical activity of the Simulation Project. Adapting to and exploring new software and hardware technologies is also of utmost importance to ensure optimal use of CPU resources and to prepare for the future simulation needs of LHCb. As such, maintenance and development warrants its own Work Package. We also include in this package the connection to LHCb core software components and their specialization for simulation activities, e.g. geometry and condition databases.


The mandate of WP F is to:

  • Maintain and develop the LHCb simulation frameworks, including both the current Gauss version while in use in production and the future Gauss-on-Gaussion version

  • Maintain and develop the generic Gaussino framework and support its use in the wider HEP community

  • Maintain and develop the configuration of the core simulation software

  • Maintain and develop the common geometry and conditions for use in the simulation workflow, coordinating with the Detector Modeling WP (WP D)

  • Maintain the integration with the Generators Work Package (WP G)

  • Maintain the integration with the Detailed and Fast simulation Work Package (WP S)

  • Support the needs of the Production Work Package (WP P)

  • Develop and support R & D on Gauss-on-Gaussino for future use of heterogeneous and opportunistic resources

  • Support Run 1 & 2 simulations until needed

Additionally, WP F is responsible for the release management of the following software:

  • All versions of Gauss,

  • Gaussino.

It also coordinates the release of SIMCOND and when necessary of DDDB.